EU firefighting service models - march 26th
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23/03/15, 12:08 | #1 |
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EU firefighting service models - march 26th
Dear Sir, Regarding your assistance and exposure on next Thursday in Barcelona, the union with majority support at Bombers de la Generalitat “COS - Bombers pel Canvi (firefighters for a change)”, would like to communicate to you that: 1) Our union suffers from 14 months ago the blocking of its web in all our working centers. The web space for professional improvement and feedback www.foro-bomberos.com is likewise blocked.With the intention to inform aspects that we consider relevant about current leadership, management and organization, we appreciate your time and attention. All the best. https://www.forumbombers.com @BombersPelCanvi https://www.facebook.com/bomberspelcanvi Editat per Pablo Castro en 23/03/15 a les 17:52. Mogut per Pablo Castro">23/03/15; 17:03 at user2 des de [ARG:5 UNDEFINED] |
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