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EU firefighting service models - march 26th
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Old 23/03/15, 12:08   #1
Data Registre: mar 2012
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icon EU firefighting service models - march 26th


Dear Sir,

Regarding your assistance and exposure on next Thursday in Barcelona, the union with majority support at Bombers de la Generalitat “COS - Bombers pel Canvi (firefighters for a change)”, would like to communicate to you that:
1) Our union suffers from 14 months ago the blocking of its web in all our working centers. The web space for professional improvement and feedback www.foro-bomberos.com is likewise blocked.
Acceso bloqueado a BombersPelCanvi en los centros de trabajo

2) The structures of collective representation of our organization are not composed by elected members. That is, there is no democratic structure of Bombers de la Generalitat that holds our collective representation. We are only structured as common public servant workers.
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3) Although professional and volunteer firefighters act together in emergencies, professional community does not have access to any supervisory, negotiation or plannification structure to participate on the decision making involved in the whole volunteer firefighting.
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4) Bombers de la Generalitat unions do not currently enjoy any access to organizational statistical data, actuation reports or personnel management data. Detailed reports of budget spending of our department are not accessible either.
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With the intention to inform aspects that we consider relevant about current leadership, management and organization, we appreciate your time and attention.

All the best.


Editat per Pablo Castro en 23/03/15 a les 17:52. Mogut per Pablo Castro">23/03/15; 17:03 at user2 des de [ARG:5 UNDEFINED]
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